12 Ways To Advertise Your Handyman Business For Free

Being a handyman is not just about doing repairs and other physical tasks. You must also get the word out about what you are doing and make sure people know who you are.
Getting the word out about your handyman business is critical, and it’s best if you can do it for free!
Here are twelve free ways to give customers a sneak peek of your work, and build up your reputation as a local handyman.
1. Start A Facebook Page For Your Handyman Business.
Advertising your handyman business for free is just putting yourself out there and taking advantage of the available resources. Social media is a very important tool in the business world in this day and age, so why not start taking advantage of it?
A Facebook page for your handyman business will get the word out about what you have to offer in your area. You can post photos of some recent projects you’ve completed or share tips to help people with their home improvement projects. The more active you are on Facebook, the more likely it is that people will remember your name and think to call on you when they need some work done.
The most important thing to remember is that it takes time to build an active and thriving Facebook page. You want to provide people with reasons to come back to your page and, in turn, recommend you to their friends. One of the best ways to do this is by creating a community on your page where people can ask questions and receive useful information. You can also provide free tips and advice about all things related to home maintenance and repairs so that your audience will continue to look forward to visiting your page.
So how do you create a vibrant community? First, make sure that you’re posting new material regularly—at least every few days. If you’re unsure what kinds of posts you should be making, do some research on other handyman Facebook pages in your area or areas similar to yours. What are they posting about? Are they providing tips? Asking questions? Posting videos? Do any of their posts have many comments or likes? If so, try something similar.
Always make sure you answer any questions or comments as soon as possible. Your customers will appreciate your responsiveness!
2. Take Advantage Of Angie’s List.
If you’re a handyman or an electrician, plumber, or painter, the best thing you can do for your business is get your name in front of customers. If you’re looking for work, you need to show customers what they’ll be buying—and that’s where Angie’s List comes in. It’s completely free to sign up and start marketing your business.
When you register your company with Angie’s List, you’ll receive all the tools necessary to set up a great profile that displays your pricing and availability to potential customers. The goal of this profile is twofold: it tells customers about your business, and it helps them find you so they can hire you for the job.
To be seen on Angie’s List, put yourself in as many categories as possible. Appearing in many places will help members searching for someone like you. For example, if you’re a handyman, add yourself under ‘Home Maintenance’ and ‘Handyman.’
Of course, Angie’s List offers paid options to promote your business, too, if you decide paid adverting would benefit your business.
3. Create A Google Business Profile Listing.
One of the best ways to get your handyman business noticed by potential customers is to create a free Google Business Profile listing. This will allow you to show up in search results whenever people look for handyman services in your area. You’ll also be able to share photos and other information about your business, such as your hours and contact information, and examples of projects you’ve completed. Once you’ve created your listing, keep all the information up to date so that customers know they can rely on you!
4. Build A Website To Advertise Your Business.
Okay, this one isn’t technically free, but just about. With Mighty Sites, you can launch a simple website for your handyman business for only $9/month.
If you’re a handyman or service professional, there’s no need to shell out thousands of dollars on a fancy website. A simple website is all you need to get the job done.
I’m talking about a 1-page site with basic information about your services and contact information—that will do the trick!
We realize 99% of Handymen don’t have any web design experience, so all you have to do is answer a few questions, and our system will create your website for you. No coding is required.
We designed Mighty sites for small businesses, so they’re easy to use and super affordable.
5. Get Listed In Local Directories.
Online business directories are a great way to advertise your handyman business, and it’s free. Online directories are essentially a giant database of businesses in the area. You want to make sure your handyman business is listed in these directories so people can find you and contact you when they need work done.
The first place to start is google my business. It is a directory that lists local businesses and puts them on google maps. This is important because when someone searches for a handyperson on google, your business will be one of the first things they see.
After you sign up for that, you need to sign up with the other big online directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages, Manta, Angie’s List etc. You need to make sure your name, address, and phone number are consistent across all the online directories. If there are any inconsistencies in how your information is listed, Google will not trust that information and will not put you at the top of its search results.
One thing that can help is having a website for your handyman business. Google likes sites more than other directories, so having one could benefit your overall ranking on google search results.
6. Seek Reviews And Testimonials From Satisfied Clients.
Yes, it’s true. Reviews and testimonials are one of the easiest and most powerful ways to advertise your handyman business for free.
A recent study showed that almost 90% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
The best part is that you don’t need to hire an expensive advertising agency or production company to get them. You already know the secret – ask your customers for reviews and testimonials and then share them on your website and social media channels.
Here are three quick tips to help you get started:
- Send out a simple email request to your clients asking for their feedback.
- Make it easy for them by providing a link to where they can leave their review online or even post a review directly on your website if possible.
- Ask them to share their review on their social media channels!
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and start building your reputation with reviews today!
7. Spread The Word With Email Marketing
To help advertise your handyman business for free, create an email newsletter with home maintenance tips and send it out regularly.
There are many DIY home repair projects that people can do themselves if they have the right information and tools. You can provide that information so they don’t have to go searching for it independently. In addition to being a resourceful person who is willing to share helpful information, you’re also providing them with a way to stay in touch with you. Your name will be top of mind if they ever need a hand because they’ve been reading your emails regularly.
You’ll want to start by creating an email account that you’ll use specifically for your business marketing. That way, you can set up a capture form on your website so people can subscribe to receive newsletter updates from you. As you build up your subscriber list, it’s free advertising for your business every time you send out an email!
As for the content of the newsletter itself, you could include things like seasonal reminders (like when to check the batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors), instructions for minor household repairs (like how to fix a leaky faucet or running toilet), and safety tips (like how to prevent frozen pipes).
8. Make Videos For YouTube.
As a contractor, you’re constantly creating value for others. You’re fixing leaky faucets, building decks, and painting rooms—the list goes on. But did you know that you could reach more prospective clients and make the most of your existing client base by starting a YouTube channel?
How-to videos are a great way to grow your handyman business because they’re free and easy to make. All you need is a mobile device and an internet connection.
Here are some tips to get you started:
- Be honest and don’t make any promises you can’t keep.
- Stay on topic. If you find yourself going off track, start a new video.
- Don’t speak too fast or too slow. You want the user to understand everything you say and not feel like you’re rushing through it to get it over with or that you’re bored with the material.
Try your hand at some how-to videos and post them to YouTube. Videos are an excellent opportunity to show your customers how talented and knowledgeable you are, thus leading them to hire you for their home projects.
9. Talk To The Press
It’s not easy to get your name out there as a professional handyman.
One of the best ways to do that is to be available for media interviews for various outlets. No matter what city you’re in, there are local news stations and newspapers constantly looking for people to interview on all sorts of different issues. Even if it’s a story about a new type of pipe wrench, the reporter will often need someone who knows what they’re talking about and can speak intelligently. This is where you come in!
Call up your local news station or newspaper, tell them that you are available as a source any time they need professionals on certain topics and offer to come in for an interview at their convenience. It may take a few weeks or months to receive a call, but it’ll be well worth it when you do!
You can then tell all your friends and family about your appearance in the paper or on TV, and everyone will see how professional you are when they watch the clip online or read the article. It’s not only a great way to get your name out there among the general public but also among other professionals who might refer clients to you later down the line.
The benefit of this strategy is that it creates a win-win situation. You help the news station with their news article and they advertise your handyman business for free by quoting you in the article.
10. Post Fliers At Your Local Hardware Store, YMCA, Library
You don’t need a fancy stationery store or high-end printer to make a flier for your home handyman business. You can do it on your home computer in minutes and then print it out on your trusty inkjet printer.
Here’s how to get started:
- Open up a new document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs
- Click the “Insert” tab and select “clip art.” Search for images that you want to include on your flier and insert them into the document as you find them. You can also click “shapes” to add designs, arrows, or other fun graphics.
- Once you’ve finished selecting clip art, click the “Insert” tab again and select “word art.” Select the font and then type out the name of your handyman business. Make it big enough that drivers can read it from passing cars.
- Type out the services you offer, including applicable prices, so that potential customers will see what you can help them with. Add a spot for contact information at the bottom of your flier so that customers know how to reach you when they’re ready to schedule an appointment.
- Print out your flier on standard 8 1/2 by 11 sheets of paper.
Now, put your flier around town. Tack it to the bulletin board at the local hardware store, YMCA, or library. Putting your fliers around town is a great way to advertise your handyman business for free.
11. Give Back To The Community.
If you’re a handyman looking for ways to advertise your business for free, volunteering is a great way to do it. It’s also a rewarding experience, especially if you’re able to contribute in a way that showcases your skills and brings value to others.
As a handyman, you can help build homes with Habitat for Humanity. It’s a great way to give back to the community and connect with people who might need your services in the future.
12. Ask Customers For Referrals.
If you’re a handyman, your business is only as good as the customers who know about it. So if you want to grow your customer base, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about how to get the word out and advertise your business. But there’s a simple way to spread the word that doesn’t cost a dime: referrals.
Asking satisfied customers for referrals is a great way to expand your customer base—and there are ways to make it easy for them so they’re more likely to write them for you.
Why Referrals Work
When people have a problem, they ask their friends and family for advice. And when their friends and family recommend something, they’re much more likely to try it out—even if they’ve never heard of it before. So if you can get happy customers to tell their friends and family about you, they’ll be doing all the “marketing” themselves by spreading the word about your handyman business!
And when someone gets referred by a friend or family member, they have an instant connection with you—because their friend had a great experience with you and recommended that the two of them should meet.
It’s not always easy to be a handyman, especially when starting. As soon as you get a few clients and some positive references, it starts to feel like you’ll never have to worry about getting new business again. Then, one day, you realize that people aren’t calling you for jobs anymore. It can feel like a disaster at first—and it almost is. But even if your business has slowed down or stopped altogether, we’ve identified 12 ways to advertise your handyman business for free and get it back on track.
Getting the word out about your handyman business is critical, and it’s best if you can do it for free!
However you decide to promote your business, don’t quit too soon. Keep trying different methods of getting the word out until you see consistent growth. All it takes is a little time, energy, and patience.