Easy Webpage Creator for Car Detailing Business [Video]

This video shows you how to quickly and easily create a basic website for your car detailing business. No coding necessary to deploy this easy to edit car detailing template.
Once the system generates your website, use the point and click editor to edit links, images and text.
Video Transcription
I will talk about how to quickly and easily create a simple business website for a card detailing business using Mighty Sites. So, you'll first go right here and click on the card detailing service, or you can click on launch or start a free trial. I'm going to my back end, which will be the same experience. So you'll see, I have the same options here. I will click on automotive and car detailing services because that's the website I want to create. Now I'm going to type in the name of my business right here and click continue. Then I check the information and make sure everything looks good.
If I need to make edits, I can do so here. I can do so here if I want to update or edit my hours. If everything looks good, I click looks good next.
And just like that, the Mighty Sites software system will generate a professional, simple car detailing business website for my business.
So you can see all the copy is written for me. All the images are pre-licensed, licensed, and added, ready to go. And now, all I need to do is activate and edit the site to launch it. So I click here to start, and this is where it will prompt me or ask me for my credit card.
It's only $9 a month. That includes hosting and activating my site. And now, if I want to make edits, it's super simple and easy. So I can just come in here, click the update section, add my social media links, and update my location. If I want to change any of the images, I can click here to upload a new idea or update the menu items.
If I want to change the text or image, I can start typing in, showing the new text I've written. So you can see it'll show up here. Super simple and easy to use and edit. Same with uploading a new photo. I click save and close. And now, once I'm happy with all of my websites, satisfied with a copy and text, it's ready to go. I can stop editing, connect my domain and launch my website. It's quick and easy to create a simple professional website for your car detailing business using mighty sites.