How to Add Business Hours to Mighty Sites Small Business Website | EASY!

Effortlessly Displaying Business Hours on Your Mighty Sites Small Business Website

Adding your operating hours to your Mighty Sites website is essential in keeping your customers happy and informed. That's why today I'm going to be showing you how easy it is to add your operating hours to your Mighty Sites website. So let's get started. I've already gone ahead and created a website on the Mighty Sites platform as an example, of course. This is for my vegetarian restaurant. So once you're in the editing mode of your website and making changes, scroll down to the section directly under the first photo and click on "update section" to make any changes.

Video Transcript

To add your trading hours to your Mighty Sites website, it's super simple. You literally just click on "update section" directly underneath it. Over here on the left, I'm going to head on over to "update hours." Great, so I'm going to put in one or two days as an example to show you how simple it is to do and to show you how it will be showcased on your Mighty website to keep your customers informed. Excellent, 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., just as an example. Let's go ahead and click on "Save." The page will automatically reload after saving and display your trading hours. It's as simple as that. Your operational hours are now displayed on your Mighty Sites website.

Don't forget, if you have a Google business profile, which I hope you do for your small business, we do go into this topic quite a lot on our YouTube videos and our blog posts on how important it is to be listed on online directories like Google Business profiles. Make sure you keep your operational hours on there updated as well as on your social media platforms. Google does tend to favor websites that do have their operational hours as well. So make sure you add yours to your Mighty Sites website today.

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