How to Better Market and Get More Clients | Bookkeeping Business

Unlocking Success: Strategies to Enhance Marketing and Attract More Clients for Your Bookkeeping Business

Are you a bookkeeper looking to grow your client list and expand your business? You're in the right spot. In this video, we're going to talk about some simple techniques and tips that you can use to grow your bookkeeping business and get more clients and get more customer leads on an ongoing basis. Now, we're going to talk about how to do this without a big budget, without having to spend all day doing marketing tasks. Even if your business is brand new or even if you're new to marketing, this video is for you. But first, why is marketing your bookkeeping business so important? Can't you just rely on referrals? Well, not really. Referrals are a really essential part of this, but think about what happens when somebody gets referred to your business. The first thing they're going to do is check out your website, look at your social media pages, check for reviews, and learn a little bit more about you. Isn't that what you do before you hire a business or before you go shopping? You look at reviews, you look at the website, you read a little bit about the business. They're going to do the same thing about you, and that's where your marketing comes in. It helps you get found more, but it also helps you close more deals from people who are interested in what you have to offer.

Video Transcript

So let's talk today about those simple tips to make sure that you are optimized for getting as many bookkeeping clients as possible. Let's get started.

All right, first things first, you need an engaging online presence. What does that mean? Have a simple, professional website. Mighty Sites is the best for that, only $9 a month. Showcase your services, your client testimonials, show a clear way to contact you or a contact form. Remember, a simple, professional website is like your online business card. Just make it inviting and informative. Think about the questions somebody asks or wants to know before they hire somebody for bookkeeping service. Where are you? How long have you been doing this? What type of businesses do you work with? What are the services that you offer? You can choose to put price there or not. Just add that to your website, your Mighty Sites website, or your current website. Make sure those questions are answered, and that's going to help people then decide to click that contact button, submit that lead form, and become a lead for your business. Make it easy for them to say, "This is who I want to hire."

Next, network, network, network. Can't overstress this enough. Attend local business events, join local online forums, join Facebook groups with the business community in your area, connect with local business owners in person or at events. Personal connections can lead to more referrals. And don't forget about online networking as you're going along this way. Social media can be a great way to connect with people. Join the right Facebook groups, leave comments on Facebook business posts so that people recognize you and learn more about who you are and what you could potentially offer. Networking is key for driving as many referrals as possible. Then again, they're going to look at that simple, professional website, feel like their questions are answered, and submit that lead form. That's how you start driving more leads.

Number three, offer a free initial consultation. Give potential clients a taste of your expertise. Offer a free initial consultation to discuss their needs, maybe look at their P&L, how they're doing bookkeeping currently. This builds trust and it allows you to showcase your value right in the very beginning of the relationship. This lowers the risk for the client so that they know, "Oh, I kind of like this person. I like working with them. I see their expertise." That lowers their barrier to risk and makes them more likely to hire you for their bookkeeping services.

Number four, educational content is key. Creating posts or information on social media, videos, or even building a newsletter that you send out. It's going to start small at first, but if you stick with it, people are going to sign up, especially if you offer valuable accounting tips for businesses in your area. It's not only going to demonstrate your knowledge but also keep you top of mind when potential clients need bookkeeping services.

And leverage client testimonials. Happy customers are your best advertisers. Share their success stories and testimonials on your website and social media. Keep asking your customers to leave you a review on your Google Business profile. This is going to build credibility and trust with potential customers. Also, the more positive reviews you have with comments and the more steady reviews, steady flow of reviews to your Google Business profile, the more Google likes that, which means that you'll boost in local search rankings. So keep those reviews flowing, show them on your website, keep them coming to your Google Business profile, be sure to respond to them, and it's going to help you with visibility and have a strong online reputation, which all helps you close more leads for your bookkeeping service.

So implementing these strategies doesn't have to be overwhelming. Just start one by one, build from there. You can start with networking, or you can start by getting good at asking for reviews from current customers and just build them up. The goal is to make your bookkeeping service look trustworthy and efficient and knowledgeable. These are the ways that you do it, these are simple strategies you can implement to be well on your way to expanding your customer base. If you like this video, please give it a thumbs up. Please subscribe for more tips. And in the link below, we have the link to Mighty Sites, so click on that. You can start a free trial. It's only $9 a month if you don't have a website for your bookkeeping service currently. Thanks so much, and we'll catch you in the next video.

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