How to Get Your Handyman Business to Rank #1 in Google - 5 Simple Local SEO Tips

Mastering Local SEO: Elevating Your Handyman Business to the Top Spot on Google

Do you want to be a top result when people search "handyman near me" in your local market in Google? Well, you're in the right spot because in this video, I'm going to show you some basic things that you can do to help elevate your business to the top of Google when people are searching for a handyman in your area. Now, you are going to be able to implement these even if you don't have a big budget or any budget at all for SEO, even if you've never done anything SEO-related at all, or even if you're brand new and your business is brand new, or you're brand new to doing any type of digital marketing. Don't worry, this video is for you. We're going to break down really simple and easy. But first, why does SEO matter? Does SEO matter in the first place?

Video Transcript

Local SEO is important for a handyman business because whenever somebody is looking for a handyman, what is the very first thing they're going to do? They're going to pull out that smartphone and they're going to search "handyman near me," right? And whoever comes up, those are going to be the businesses that have an opportunity to capture that customer. So if you want that to be your business, you have to do a few of these simple, straightforward, but correct things that Google says are important in order for your business to come up in search engines. Let's break it down and talk about those step by step. Here we go.

So first, you need to set up a Google Business Profile. It's free, it's easy, think of it like putting a big bright sign on the internet. It tells people where you are, what you do, when you're open, and when you're working. Fill it out, make sure the profile is totally filled out with your services, your about information, some frequently asked questions. Add some great pictures of yourself, of any work that you've done. It's where you can put an online business card on Google, the biggest highway for finding handyman businesses in the world. Put up your business card up there, fill it out so it looks good. That's going to help you start being visible in the eyes of Google in the very first place.

Tip number two, encourage your happy customers to leave customer reviews on your Google Business Profile. Positive reviews are little gold stars on your report card of trust for your business. That means that when people are leaving you high-star reviews, Google takes notice and says, "Oh, this is a legitimate business. People come here and saying and telling me that I should trust this business, right?" That gives you a chance for Google to say, "People trust this business. Maybe we should trust this business and bring it up too." Now also ask people to leave reviews that mention things that you do for them because that's going to build keywords into your Google Business Profile.

And speaking of keywords, tip number three, use local keywords on your Mighty Sites website. So use phrases like "handyman in Norwich, New York" if that's your city, right on your website's content. Don't just say, "I'm the local handyman." Say the name of your town and where you offer handyman services. It's simple, but just adding that in, it helps Google understand, "Okay, this is where they offer their handyman services. This is where this business is located." It's like telling Google, "Hey, I'm the handyman in this town." Right? That's important for Google understanding it should bring you up.

Now, the next tip, tip number four, your name, address, phone number, and website should be consistent across online business directories. You should be listed in them in the first place. And what do I mean, directories like Yelp or Manta? Those types of directories that come up when you search for your local businesses. It's important for Google's trust and for your customers too. Make sure your business is listed and make sure you have consistent information. If you signed up for the Mighty Sites Boost program, that's included with your website, and we take care of those and updating for you on a regular basis. So just imagine Facebook, Google listing all having different phone numbers, websites, names, or not being listed at all. It's confusing for you, right, or confusing for a customer? It's confusing for Google too. And what happens? They don't bring you up as much when those aren't consistent on business directories. So make sure you're listed, make sure you're relevant.

And tip number five, make sure your website's mobile-friendly. People are going to use their phone to find services like yours. You don't want your website to be difficult to use on mobile. That's why I advocate a simple, professional website like Mighty Sites, where it's easy for people to click your phone number, submit their lead, find out a little bit of information, see some pictures or testimonials maybe, and turn that into them coming to you for business.

So that's it, folks. That's five simple local SEO tips to get your handyman business booming. Remember, SEO is like fixing a house. Do it right, it stands strong, it stands visible, but it takes time to do the job well, and it takes time for Google to recognize that. Don't forget to like, share, and please subscribe for more handyman tips. Until next time, we'll see you in the next video and wishing you mighty success.

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