How To Make A Website For A Bookkeeper - EASY [Video]

Make a website for a bookkeeper using Mighty Sites. This video blog shows you the step-by-step process for creating a simple website for your bookkeeping service. Watch the video below and start your free trial today!
Video Transcript
Hi everyone, and thanks for joining me today. I'm going to show you how to make a website for a bookkeeper. So we'll go through everything you need to know and make it simple and easy to create a simple professional website for your bookkeeping service. So the first thing you do is go to mighty It's only $9 a month, and there's a seven-day free trial. It's a platform built specifically, so you can choose from all types of different small business website themes and create your website quickly and easily. It's an easy-to-use editor, and we're going to use it today to show you how to create a website for your bookkeeping service. So the first thing that I suggest you do is first look up bookkeeping service, type in a bookkeeper, and find the bookkeeping service website template. That's what we're going to use to get started.
Enter Basic Information About Your Bookkeeping Service
So I'm just going to click on that. And then the first thing I'm going to put in is. It will ask me for basic information about my bookkeeping business. I'm going to put Keegan Keegan's Bookkeeping, just put Keegan's Bookkeeping Service, and then I can put where I'm located. I'm going to put it in Denver, Colorado. And then the type of business. So again, mighty Sites works for all different kinds. You have to select service, right, or you could select other but service business because of bookkeeping service. You're providing a service for others. So then I click continue. And now, this instantly generates a simple professional website for my bookkeeping service, which is lovely. So if you're a bookkeeper, your specialty is providing bookkeeping services, not necessarily building websites. So to have a simple professional website generated for you that you can then use as your online business card to send potential customers to, help you get found more online, and drive customers to your business.
Generate The Bookkeeper Website Template
Especially you could be doing this full-time or as a side business. You know, building a simple professional website is the way to go. So once the template is generated for me, I've got a few different things I can do. So it's made to be a really easy edited system so that you can instantly generate a website, no breaking the bank with expensive web designers or, you know, complicated platforms to update any section. All you do is an update, click on the update section, and then you can go in here and put in your information. So I'll type, start with putting in my email, this is my email, and then I'm just going to click show email on the site. So I want people to be able to contact me that way. Put in my phone number too. So this is my phone number, so I'll click save. Now my phone number is included there. If you want to put your address, you can. But many times, you know, you may just be doing this remotely, may not have a physical location. You just put in the city and state that you serve. Suppose you do have any social media that you're using. So let's say you have a Twitter account. You are just going to type in
Add Links To Social Media
Now my Twitter logo populates. I could also type on my Facebook page. So again, you could you would copy and paste, but I'll just type it in for now. And then save that, that your LinkedIn would be another good one. You include all of those if you have a LinkedIn profile, YouTube channel, or Instagram. So I'll save those close. Now that the top header with my contact information is in. That's nice and easy. The next thing you should do is add more items to your menu. You can do that right here, you know. Type in what you want it to say, choose where you want it to link. You can make all kinds of different links to other websites. Do a different place on this website to an action like calling you, driving directions, or automatically emailing you.
Edit Website Links
Or you can upload a PDF and have it linked there. So that's how you add items to your menu. You may want to have a logo. So if you don't have one already, I suggest you check out, and I'll show you this real quick. It's really simple and easy to create an account and logo. You create a design, create a logo, and then you can probably just type in here bookkeeper and look at that. So, it automatically has some options for bookkeeping. And it'll give you some different layouts you can choose from. But I'll just. I'll select this for now and call this my bookkeeper logo. So I'm going to download that as a jpeg, and there we go. Without paying for any design, there's a cheap and easy way to create a logo for your business.
Create and Upload A Bookkeeper Business Logo
So now I go back over here. I'm going to upload my bookkeeper business logo. Once it uploads, I'm just going to click save. And now you can see I've got my logo and I, you know, I want that to be bigger. So again, mighty Sites is a really simple, easy-to-use website builder for bookkeepers. So all I need to do here is to click on make it Bigger. So I click on this button, and it makes it more prominent. But that's probably creating more space than I want there. I'm going to go to this little pencil icon and click on it, and it's going to open up all of these different tools for editing images so I can decorate frames and filter, right? All of these other things. Right now, I need to use the cropping tool.
Use the Website Builder Photo and Logo Editor
So I'm just going to bring that down. I'm going to bring this back up, and then I will probably get it in a little bit because there's too much white space around this logo for me. So that looks pretty good. So I'm going to click done. It's going to automatically re-upload the new version of the logo. I can save that. And now you can see that the logo fills the space better to the point where I will make it a little smaller now. There we go. That looks good. And then you can play around with the filters, things like that, to find a fit that works best for you. The next thing I'll do, because I think this top header is looking pretty sharp now, is I'll go down here, and maybe I want to update this.
Edit Text on your Bookkeeper Website
So you know, you could edit any of these heroes. So it'll just say bookkeeper for small business, right? Maybe I want to send a shorter message there. I am offering easy and efficient solutions for bookkeeping and payroll. That's pretty great. Let's say I want to cut that down, too, just to show you how to find efficient solutions. I'm just going to put these in capitals, and let's try an ampersand here and payroll support. That's wonderful. I'll just put payroll instead of processing. So there we go. So I'll save that and close. So now you can see my Bookkeeping Service website is coming along nicely. Book a free consultation online. One of the best things about this is that you can link wherever you want. So let's say that you have a Calendly an online calendar through something like Calendly.
Edit The Website CTAs
So if you set up a Calendarly calendar, it's free, and you can go in here, and this is my, you know, demonstration calendar account, but this is all free, and people can pick a time on my calendar here. So let's say you wanted to advertise at a free consultation. You can say, you know, book a free consultation or maybe just, you know, keep it simple and just say request consultation. Then you would paste in the link and confirm and save. And so now this request consultation button will open up my calendar. So when people visit your website, they can visit your calendar. So now you've got your social links and your contact information. It's starting to look professional because we filled it out. Directly, this button links to your calendar, which is lovely.
You've got another contact button here. You can do anything you want. So you can change any of the words and phrases here for all the buttons. So let's say you want this to be called now, right? Maybe people will be on mobile, and you want them to call from their phone. I can check and set that as a call now and set it to my phone. Click save close. Now, if somebody clicks on that on their smartphone, it'll automatically call my business. If I ever decide I don't want something there, I can go in here, cancel, delete the link, confirm, save, and get rid of the button. You know, if you don't want something there too. But for right now, I'm going to say call now.
Because that's a friendly call, a call to action, I will have it call me if somebody clicks on that link. So there we go. So now that section is coming along nicely. And let's tell you, again, this Mighty Sites automatically writes the text for you, which is lovely, but let's just say that you want to customize the text. And you can see that it says Keegan's Bookkeeping Service here. And you'll know it says specific things like Denver, Colorado, located in Denver. So, it automatically tries to write the copy with your business in mind. But if you want to rewrite any part of this, go to the section. You want to click on the update section, and then you can go here and type something like how to make a website for a bookkeeper.
So I can type that in and click save. And now that text is updated. So it's really simple and easy to use. Again, you can do the same thing with the about section. You can upload a new photo and use the editing tools, but all these photos are pre-licensed. So you can go right ahead and launch the site using these photos here as well. Now, this is a great part of this. This is your call-to-action contact form. So if someone clicks on contact, it'll come down to this form, which is nice. And then, your phone number or email will be on here, too, if you choose to display those on the website and your social media. So if I'm somebody who's looking for a bookkeeper, I could come in here. I've found your website looks nice and professional. I understand what you are doing. I just added my email address and then my phone number.
Generate Leads Through Your Contact Form
And then I'll say I am interested in bookkeeping services, and then I can just click send. And once I do that as the consumer, I get this nice little message on the front end saying thank you. And then, if I go back here to stop editing, you can see what the website looks like without the update buttons. Now, you've got a nice professional website for your bookkeeping service, really simple and easy too. So now I can go back to the site dashboard, and I can go here and see one new lead. So you'll get an email to your email that you use to log in for your Mighty Site telling you you've got a new person interested in your bookkeeping services. And then, you can come here to your website dashboard and go to view leads.
Viewing Your Website's Back End Dashboard
And then right here, you'll receive the person's name, email, phone number, and then their little message. And you can reach out to them by email or give them a call to fully earn their business. But that's where you're going to get leads for your business, too, right through that form which is nice. So then, if I go back here to update your Mighty site, I can also have one last thing to show you, I can change the colors. So you'll see this little paint can here. Let's say that, you know, I'd prefer a grayer color, or maybe red fits with my logo and brand, or like a yellow or a bright blue. It just depends on what type of business. New color palettes are being added all the time. So you can go right in here, select the color palette that you feel is most appropriate for your business, and change that out.
Changing The Color Theme on Your Website
It'll change out the color theme throughout. So just something to match your logo and your brand. But there are; literally, there are tons of different color themes. Just pick the one that works best for your business. You can switch them at any time too, so you're not, you're not locked in. But once that's all set, go back to the site dashboard and connect a custom domain. So I go right in here, and if I own a domain from Go Google Domain or GoDaddy or, any place like that, I just go in and paste my domain name. And then there are really simple step-by-step instructions that you can provide to your registrar to get this connected. It comes with a secure certificate, so you'll have a secure website just like this with a safe connection, and you can connect your domain quickly and easily. And that's how you make a website for a bookkeeper using Mighty Sites—wishing you the best of luck with your business.