How to Market your New Pest Control Business [VIDEO BLOG]

In this video, we're excited to guide you through a simple, clear plan on how to market your new local pest control business. Whether you're just starting or looking to grow your customer base, these steps will help you reach more people and effectively promote your services.

Video Transcript

Do you have a pest control business and you're trying to figure out how to get as many customers as possible? Great, because in this video I'm going to break down for you exactly what to do—proven strategies that local business owners, especially pest control business owners like you, are using to get as many customers as possible for their local business.

I'm going to break this down even if you have no marketing experience, even if you have zero budget for marketing your business but you're looking for proven strategies to get customers in the door to hire you, call you, and become leads for your pest control business. We'll break this down simply and easily so you can follow.

But first, why is this so important? Well, here's the thing: the biggest killer of small businesses is a cash flow crunch. How does that happen? You start your business, you start getting expenses, you start relying on your income, and then all of a sudden, you lose some customers. That creates an issue in your business, and you have to close the doors. How do you make sure that doesn't happen? When you have a way to press the accelerator and get new customers with proven strategies that you know and understand—that's how you do it. So I encourage you to like this video so you can always find it when you need it.

We're going to break down what those strategies are so that you can grow your new pest control business now and reference these to grow your business into the future. Let's break this down.

First up, you have to think about who exactly needs your services. It can't just be everybody. You have to hone in on a target demographic. Is it a certain area, a certain demographic? Is it homeowners, businesses, schools, commercial properties, factories? What is it that you can service well? You have to decide who your exact target customer is. This will help you align all your marketing and business services to get really good at servicing that target customer better than anybody else. Understanding who you're targeting helps decide where to advertise and what to say.

For example, if you're focused on homeowners, you might talk about keeping their homes safe and pest-free. If you're talking about commercial properties, you might talk about keeping their product quality and business functioning efficiently without worrying about pests. There are many ways to market and think about your target customer. All the things I'm going to talk about won't work unless you're clear on who you serve best, who that is, and how you serve them best.

Number two: create a catchy business name and logo. You can't just go by your name; people will forget you if you just go by your name. For example, "Keegan"—what is that? I can't look up "Keegan" for reviews; I don't know how to find his website. That's why you need a business name and logo. It's often the first thing people see. Make sure it's easy to remember and that the logo represents your business well. A good logo should be simple and clear, even for someone who knows nothing about pest control.

Next, you need a website for your business. A website is like your online business card. The link below is for a simple, professional website from Mighty Sites for just $9 a month. It's so cheap and easy that anybody can do it. It doesn't have to be complicated. Just make sure it has your contact information, the services you offer, the areas you cover, and a lead form so people can contact you. You can make one easily with Mighty Sites with zero technical knowledge.

Next up, social media. Even if you're not a social media person, get somebody to run it for you. Facebook and Instagram are the two platforms you need. They are great for connecting with local residents. You can share tips on preventing pests, before-and-after photos of your work, and special promotions. This will build trust and keep your business top of mind.

After you do a job, make sure to ask your happy customers to leave a review online, like on Google or Yelp. Positive reviews make others more likely to choose your business. If someone has a negative experience, address it quickly and professionally. This shows you care about your customers. The more positive reviews you have, the more likely your business is to come up in Google searches, which means more traffic and more customers.

Next, design simple flyers and business cards to hand out. Include your contact info, a list of services, and maybe a special offer for first-time customers. You can distribute these in your local community centers like the YMCA, bulletin boards, or even in mailboxes if you have permission. Print marketing materials like business cards and flyers give you a ton of flexibility to get your business name out there and place them in all types of different places.

Next up, offer a discount for first-time customers or a seasonal promotion. This will encourage people to try your service in the first place. Just make sure that your offers are clear and easy to understand.

Next, reach out to other local businesses to see if you can set up a referral partnership. Maybe a local hardware store will let you leave your business cards at their register in exchange for referring customers to them or buying from their business. Also, participate in community events like fairs or farmers markets. Set up a booth where you can meet people, hand out materials, and talk about your services. This personal interaction can make a big difference and establish trust right away.

Lastly, keep an eye on what's working and what isn't. If one type of advertisement isn't bringing in customers, try something else. Marketing is about learning and adapting to figure out what works best for attracting people to your business.

If you liked this video, hit that like and subscribe button. And don't leave yet, because we're going to talk about how to build a website for your pest control business and how to create more visibility for you online. Check it out, and we'll catch you in the next video. Thanks so much.

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