Practical Social Media Tips For Local Businesses To Drive Leads

Are you a local business owner looking to take your small business to the next level? If so, social media marketing could be the key. With over 2 billion active users on social media, it's a great way to reach new customers and grow your business.

Below, we'll outline the top seven social media tips every local business needs to know. Whether you're a local bakery, boutique, or bookstore, these tips will help you effectively engage with your audience, build a loyal community, and, ultimately, drive sales.

1. Pick Two Social Media Platforms to Focus On

Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest... Are you overwhelmed by the number of social media platforms out there? Your local business doesn't need to be everywhere! In fact, it's more effective to focus your efforts on two platforms where your customers are most likely to be active. Do some research, find out where your target demographics spend their time online. For example, you're more likely to find younger users on TikTok.

2. Post Content Regularly

Consistency is key. Regular posts not only keep your audience engaged but also show that you're an active thriving business. Your customers' newsfeeds on social media are constantly updating, so you only have one shot to show up on their page while they're scrolling through social media platforms. Aim for at least 3-5 times a week, but remember, quality over quantity.

3. Engage With Your Followers

Engaging with your followers is a must in today's digital world. Simply put, social media is about being social. Respond to comments, answer messages in a timely manner, and appreciate the love your customers show. This will help your audience feel valued and help you build a loyal community.

4. Incorporate Your Website Link in Your Bio or About Section

Make it easy for potential customers to learn more about your local business and, of course, make a purchase or booking from your website. One important thing to remember is that you don't own your social media accounts, and they could disappear at any point. That's why it's important to have a website and own your custom domain, so your customers can always find you when social media is down.

5. Upload High-Quality Photos

A picture is worth a thousand words. High-quality photos can take your social media game to a whole new level. Show off your products, recent work, team, or behind-the-scenes images to add authenticity to your social media accounts.

6. Don't Be Overly Promotional

While it's important to sell, your feed shouldn't be a continuous stream of self-promotional ads. Local businesses can turn potential customers off or make them less interested in their content by being too promotional. The reason for this is that consumers are on social media for what they want. So very few want to pay attention to what you want.

7. Post Helpful Content

It's important to share helpful and relevant content to position your business as a resource and an industry expert. Share tips, how-tos, and industry-related news.

In conclusion, social media marketing can be an effective, fairly low-cost way to create greater visibility for your local business. Be sure to apply these tips, and watch your online engagement skyrocket!

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