Small Business Marketing Blog

Tips and advice for marketing your small business online.

How To Make A One Page Website For A Restaurant Instantly

How To Make A One Page Website For A Restaurant - Instantly [Video]

Use Mighty Sites to create a one page website for your restaurant instantly. This website builder is designed to make the process of building a single page website for your busi...

Basic Website For a Small Business

How to Make a Basic Website for a Small Business [Video]

Learn how to make a basic website for your small business using Mighty Sites. This website builder makes it easy to create a basic small business website. Watch the video tutori...

How To Promote Your Website - Desk with words Grow Your Business

15 Ways To Promote Your Local Business Website [Video]

You've launched a brand new website for your business, congratulations! But, now what? In this video blog, we will provide detailed step-by-step instructions for promoting your ...

Reasons Why my Small Business Should Invest in Social Media

As a small business owner, you’re constantly trying to find new ways to increase exposure and improve your marketing plan to get noticed. While some small business owners are st...

Affordable Ways to Promote Your Small Business Online

Starting a small business can be a challenging task, but the good news is that there are numerous ways to market your local business online without needing a huge budget. With t...

How Business Directory Listings Increase Online Visibility

As a small business owner, you may have heard of directory listings, but are not quite sure how they can benefit your local business.

A directory listing is a platform th...